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Garden Landscape Plants

Garden landscape plants are plants used to increase the aesthetic and functional properties of a garden. Landscape plants can be selected in a variety of sizes, colors and natural habitats. Many landscape plants can be classified as annuals or perennials. Annual plants complete their life in one year and must be replanted every year. Perennials can live for more than one year and bloom again every year.

It can also be classified as landscape plants, cover plants, trees and shrubs. Cover crops are used to cover the soil or reduce sunlight. Trees form the background of the garden and shrubs are smaller plants.

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There are many options among landscape plants. For example, flowering plants include varieties such as roses, lavender, gerbera. Also, plants with fancy leaves include plants such as rhododendron, hosta, and fern.

The landscape plants you will choose for your garden may vary depending on factors such as your climate, soil type and sunlight condition of your garden. For example, if your area is hot and dry, you may prefer water-saving plants. Also, if your area is cold, you can opt for hardy plants. By determining your garden’s needs and wishes, you can choose suitable landscape plants.

What are garden landscape plants?

There are many options among garden landscape plants. Listed below are some popular landscape plants:

Roses: It is a perennial herb that blooms in various colors and sizes.
Lavender: It is a perennial herb with ornate leaves and fragrant purple flowers.
Gerbera: It is an annual plant with colorful and large flowers.
Rhododendron: It is a perennial herb with ornate leaves and colorful flowers.
Hosta: It is a perennial herb with leaves of various colors and sizes.
Fern: It is a perennial herb with leaves.
Pine: It is a perennial tree with its natural environment.
Cedar tree: It is a perennial tree with its natural environment.
Silk sapling: It is a perennial tree with its natural environment.
Lydia: It blooms in various colors and is a perennial herb.

The plants on this list are just a few examples, there is much more to choose from for landscape plants. According to the needs and wishes of your garden, you can choose the plants that suit you.

How should the garden landscape be?

Garden landscaping is an art used to organize the appearance and function of a garden. Garden landscaping takes into account many factors such as the topography of the land, climate, plant selection, mechanical systems and aesthetics. Here are some suggestions on how to landscape your garden:

Planning: Determine your garden’s needs and wishes. What plants do you want? What functions do you want? What is the sunlight situation? Which climatic conditions will you choose plants suitable for?

Plant selection: Choose suitable plants for your garden. Diversify your garden by using plants such as cover crops, trees and shrubs. Keep your garden looking beautiful all season by using annuals and perennials.

Mechanical systems: Make your garden more functional by using mechanical systems such as water, electricity or air flow. For example, you can water the plants in your garden with a water system.

Aesthetics: Use materials such as stone, concrete or wood to enhance the aesthetics of your garden. For example, you can make your garden more visually interesting with a pool or a fountain.

Regional suitability: Design your garden in accordance with the climatic conditions and soil type of your region. For example, if your area is hot, you can opt for water-saving plants.

Eco-friendly design: Design your garden to include eco-friendly ideas. For example, you can use environmentally friendly elements such as water conservation, soil protection or natural filtration systems.

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